Lifestyle & relationship coaching.


AGES 18+


Lasting change requires healing to take place beyond the theoretical.

Maybe you’re experiencing:

  • Interest in starting your healing journey, but not sure if you want to try therapy

  • Wanting to make lifestyle changes, but are unsure of where or how to start

  • Not knowing what to do with heavy feelings that have surfaced through your work in therapy

  • Feeling stuck in patterns of thinking and responding despite having gained insight

  • Wanting more support and tangible activities to help you develop, grow, and put new skills into action

  • Wanting to supplement therapy with supportive, experiential practices that can help you step into and embrace your truest, most powerful, self

Coaching can provide you with opportunities to dive deeper into your healing as you put new skills into action.


As individuals, and as a larger collective of people, we all want to feel like we belong somewhere. Strong, healthy, and reciprocal attachments with others begins with love and acceptance from within: When we truly love ourselves well, we can show up well for the people around us that we love. We get to serve from a place that is grounded and abundant. People around us get to feel the intensity of authenticity shining through from within, illuminating the truth within themselves as well.

In our self-love and relationship coaching program, you will create tangible shifts in your day-to-day life that will enhance your awareness and awaken your spirit. By the end of the program, you will be equipped with an emotional toolkit and roadmap to implement in your self love practice throughout the rest of your life.

Through participation in our mindfulness coaching program, you will learn to calm reactive patterns, understand the true nature of your emotions, and gain the ability to respond to life in ways that will create more joy and happiness.

Calming the burden of the mind will help you see and understand your habits, self-talk, and limiting beliefs more clearly. Through your new found awareness, you can stop spinning the wheel of your own suffering and allow an authentic and self-led healing practice to unfold.

Developing awareness through meditation is akin to learning how to use superpowers you never knew you had, but were always there. You will be able to witness your experiences more deeply and disrupt old patterns with clarity from the perspective of your most authentic and connected self.

Inside each of us is a natural wellspring of peace, joy, and love. Through the practice of meditation, you will learn how to tap into this wellspring and turn your mind into an ally for your own wellness and healing as you move forward in life.

Parent coaching provides you with individualized opportunities to develop new approaches and solutions to parenting that truly match to you, your child(ren), and your family dynamic as a whole - making it easy for practices and skills to seamlessly fit into your life.

You will learn about the subtle differences between you, your surrounding caregivers, and each individual child in order to discover effective ways to connect and positively influence family functioning. You will expand your knowledge base about what drives behavior and how to respond to it in manner that helps your child thrive.

In our approach to parent coaching, we will provide you with an expanded knowledge base drawing from different areas of specialization to encompass whole-person, whole-body, interventions.

At The Collective Therapy & Wellness, we view health and well-being as crucial factors in healing the whole-person. We believe that mental health is intertwined with biological and physical responses to stimuli— the events and situations happening around us, our level of mobility and movement, and the things we put in your body as fuel: Taking care of our physical bodies allows us to operate at optimal levels and respond to challenges from a place of abundance.

Our team includes practitioners offering programming with attention to nutrition and conscious eating, movement and exercise, yoga, and health advocacy.

Coaching can help you:

  • Develop a vision for your future self

  • Maintain commitment to your growth

  • Provide you with toolkits to help you stay committed to your goals and vision

  • Practice new skills with support using tangible activities

Turn your insight into practice.



Common questions about coaching

  • Therapy focuses on healing from the past in order to improve your mental and emotional functioning in the present.

    Coaching focuses on helping you connect current behaviors with actionable tools to help you achieve your goals for the future using concrete skills that are called into action through exercises and activities.

  • Though it is not a requirement to be participating in therapy while also participating in a coaching program, many coaching clients tend to achieve better results when working in tandem with a therapist– especially those who have suffered from trauma or other mental health concerns.

    This is due to the fact that as we move through coaching modules, more deeply rooted issues and sticking points can sometimes rise to the surface of your consciousness. When this occurs, it can be helpful to navigate these topics further within the more fluid and open context of a therapy session. This can help you move forward in coaching with even better insight and readiness to leap into action.

    Addressing any deeply rooted emotions or behaviors with a therapist can lead to more sustainable change in the future long after the coaching program comes to an end.

  • During each session, your coach will guide you through the content of the program and support you through associated discussions and reflective exercises. This is where you have the opportunity to dive deep within yourself and engage in processing any resistance, sticking points, or realizations about your personal and unique journey.

    Each session will include a homework assignment to be completed between sessions. Homework assignments allow you to remain committed to your growth and deepen your self-development in between sessions.

  • Coaching will provide you with experiential activities where your triggers for unhelpful patterns and responses become activated.

    In coaching, we use these experiences as opportunities to actively practice new responses to interrupt your old ways of relating to yourself, others, experiences, and the world around you in order to create positive changes.

    Sometimes you might experience resistance or discomfort while participating in coaching activities. If this occurs, the best thing to do is bring it to session with you! Everything you experience throughout coaching is usable because it can be worked through as part of the process of self-transformation.

    An impactful coaching relationship will allow you to use these experiences as opportunities to work through mental and emotional blocks in order to help you move forward in achieving your goals. Your coach will embrace any setbacks as openly as one might embrace successes in order to help you practice doing the same.

  • In our lifestyle coaching programs there will be assigned homework and/or exercises to complete between sessions. Some homework assignments take the form of pen-to-paper reflective exercises and some are tangible actions that you will be asked to put into practice in your life. This is the most important part of the journey!

    Fully embracing the practices built into each homework assignment is what allows you to transform your learning from theoretical understanding to actionable results.

    Rather than being a temporary goal for the week, the skills from each homework assignment are intended to become a part of your ongoing routine in order to build upon one another throughout the course of the program and create your roadmap to success.

  • Coaching fees vary based on your needs and available program offerings.

    For fees specific to our coaching programming, please visit the FAQs pages below:

    Self-Love & Relationship Coaching

    Mindfulness Coaching

    Parent Coaching

    Lifestyle & Physical Health Coaching takes many forms and pricing is dependent upon your needs and goals. Contact us to discuss more and get your questions answered.

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    In an effort to widen accessibility to quality wellness programming, a portion of each full rate fee goes toward funding services on a sliding scale basis for those who do not have the financial ability to pay full out-of-pocket costs.

    By investing in your own healing, you are helping to heal someone else.

    Please inquire within for sliding scale availability.

    *Proof of household income is required for all sliding scale clients.