Parent coaching.



Being a parent is an overwhelming responsibility.

We understand the overwhelm that accompanies being a parent. Along with the tremendous love we have in our hearts for our children, we also carry all of the weight and responsibility of raising strong, confident, well-rounded human beings. This sense of responsibility is confounded when other life stressors arise, which can make it difficult to respond to our children’s needs in a way that matches the love we have for them.

Maybe you’re experiencing:

  • Having a short fuse with your partner and/or children

  • Consistent breakdowns in communication and behavior

  • Feeling at a loss for how to manage your child’s behavioral or academic concerns

  • Difficulty co-parenting

You’ve heard that age-old saying, “It takes a village to raise a child” — but parents need a village too.

  • For parents who are experiencing behavior and academic concerns in their children at school, we use our knowledge from working in the education system and can assist in devising appropriate supports and interventions that best meet their child’s needs. Through this work, we help parent’s to effectively advocate for their children as they navigate various behavioral or academic issues, including special education services, and implementation of school-based behavior plans.

    In our work together, we help parents and staff understand underlying emotions that drive problematic behavior as well as to fully see the child for the whole person he or she is in order to truly help them succeed.

    Our work in this area is meant to compliment regular parent coaching programming by helping parents generalize skills outside of the family dynamic to further help their children thrive.


Parent Coaching can help you:

  • Discover your child’s strengths

  • Understand driving factors behind your child’s behavior

  • Develop skills to transform breakdowns in behavior and communication into opportunities for positive connection

  • Transform your understanding of your child into actionable parenting strategies that foster connection

Your intuition is whispering that something needs to change.



Common questions about Parenting Coaching

  • While therapy focuses on the past and healing trauma using a clinical lens, Parent Coaching focuses on the future, goal-setting, and skill building to help you stay committed to your vision of effectively connecting with your children in order to help them thrive.

    One of the goals in our work together, is to help you develop, trust, and listen to your intuition as a parent.

    Your coach will provide you with knowledgeable information, skills, and closely matched activities that can bring you closer with your family.

    Parent coaching programming is individually designed according to the things you discover about your family’s dynamic, personality differences between family members and their respective learning styles, abilities, and strengths.

  • We will work together over a series of 4 weeks with a time commitment of one-hour each week. During these appointments, we will paint a picture of your current family dynamic to help you discover differences in behaviors, strengths, and abilities among each family member.

    Your coach will provide you with relevant information pulled from different areas of child development to help inform your parenting style so that it effectively translates to your children with the purpose of improving interactions and sense of closeness in your family.

    There is an optional 2-week add-on service that addresses school and education concerns where we will focus on strategies that can be generalized from within the family to your child’s school or daycare setting.

    Upon completing your parent coaching program, you will receive a strategy guide and toolkit that matches to your family dynamic and overall parenting goals.

  • Therapy for parents involves addressing trauma and experiences from the past within your family dynamic growing up so that you do not inadvertently repeat unwanted generational patterns in behavior. In this way, therapy addresses the “why” behind the things you are struggling with.

    Parent Coaching specifically addresses how to make changes using concrete, clear, and actionable strategies that match to your family dynamic and individual children.

  • Parent coaching is a 4-6 week program that is offered as a package. We offer this service as a package because we provide our parent coaching clients with an individualized strategy guide upon completion of the program and your full participation in the program informs your guide.

    4-week program: Parent Skills & Strategies: $1,000

    6-week program: Parent Skills & Strategies + 2-week School & Education Advocacy add-on: $1,600

    Payment is due prior to the start of the program.

    A payment plan is available upon request via an autopay basis.

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    In an effort to widen accessibility to quality wellness programming, a portion of each full rate program fee goes toward funding services on a sliding scale basis for those who do not have the financial ability to pay full out-of-pocket costs.

    To that end, by being a client of The Collective Therapy & Wellness, your healing helps heal someone else.

    Please inquire within for sliding scale availability.

    *Proof of household income is required for all sliding scale clients.